You probably wear more personal care products than you realize. I’m looking at you, #nomakeup people. I’m one of them.
And you probably think that your products, like your mascara, daily moisturizer, and lip balm, are all completely 100% safe.
I was just like you. I had already made the switch to cleaner, safer household cleaning products.
But for some reason, makeup and skincare never crossed my mind.

*This post contains affiliate links. If you're not sure what this means, read my Disclaimer here! In short, I make a commission if you click a link and buy a product I recommend. But rest assured, I only recommend products I love and use myself!
I assumed that what I was wearing every single day was totally safe for me and the environment.
I never bothered to do my research about my personal care products because I naively assumed they were 100% safe to use.
It wasn’t until someone told me to read the ingredient labels of my favorite everyday personal care products. I discovered that so many of them contained hormone disruptors, carcinogens, and ingredients and chemicals that are banned all over the world.
Except for the US, of course...
The last time a major federal law was made to regulate our personal care products was 1938! And that law is only 1.5 pages long...
You’re probably wondering, “how is this even allowed?!” I ask myself this very same question every single day.
It’s absolutely insane that our country lets companies have the freedom of putting whatever they want in our everyday personal care products, with absolutely no safety testing. The FDA doesn’t test these products, so it’s impossible to know if what you’re using is safe.
With cancer and fertility rates on the rise, you’re probably trying your very best to avoid these devastating diseases as much as possible. I know I am. And I honestly thought I was doing just fine.
But now I seriously feel so much more confident and have peace of mind knowing that the products I use everyday are 100% safe for me, my loved ones, and the environment.
I found Beautycounter in June of 2018, and haven’t looked back since. Their products seriously have changed the way I look at #clean and #safe skincare and makeup.
WHY is this company worth following?
Because they have created a movement making sure that you and all those around you are getting safer products.
And not just Beautycounter products. This company wants you to walk into your local drugstore and pick up that $3 daily body moisturizer and not see ingredients that are linked to hormone disruption, cancer development, neurotoxicity, and pollutants that seep into your skin and make their way into your water systems.
The very same tap water you trust to be clean and free of these harmful chemicals.
Sadly, that’ not the country we live in.
For being one of the most developed countries on this planet, you’d think that our government would want us to put the health of its citizens first.
Not so.
Major change needs to happen. And NOW.
“But how?” you’re asking.
Well, money talks. And one of the easiest ways to make companies and corporations listen to your demands is to vote with your dollar.
Spend your money wisely with companies that:
Put their customers above profit
Make a significant effort to reducing waste and carbon emissions
Make sure your everyday products are SAFE
Your decisions directly impact how the market changes.
It’s a small, but mighty, task. And all of your efforts DO make a difference.
How can you make a difference starting TODAY?
Swap out at least one of your personal care products for a safer one. And what better way to do that with a company like Beautycounter, who makes sure your products are the safest on the market and actually WORK.
You won’t give up quality just because your products are safer. If you’re like me, then you know how frustrating it is to get an eco-friendly and sustainable beauty product, only to have it be the worst quality EVER. That’s what turned me off so many other products.
Until Beautycounter came along.
I guarantee you that these are safe, effective, and luxurious products, without the risk of compromising your health.
I tried these products before I officially became a consultant because I wanted to make sure they were really worth it.
They are. And you won’t regret getting them.
If you’ve tried the products already, but want to help make even more of a difference, join as a Beautycounter consultant to keep propelling this movement forward. This company needs more voices like yours to help educate those around us about the potentially harmful personal care products that we use every single day.
Significant change is being made all while you're using outstanding and award-winning products. It’s a win-win for both you and the growth of this important and necessary movement.
Your skin will thank you.
With love and sincerity,
Liya, The Sustainable Soprano
P. S. Want to learn more about which ingredients to avoid? Read this post specifically telling you the EXACT ingredients and chemicals to steer clear of when purchasing new personal care products.